Visit Puna Pau
Puna Pau, located 7 kilometers east of Haŋa Roa, is home to a quarry of red scoria, called Hani-hani, which was crucial for the Rapa Nui people. This soft and easily carvable material was used to create small statues, ornamental blocks, eyes, and the famous Pukao of the mōai. Human intervention throughout history has shaped the small crater, which was an active quarry between the 14th and 17th centuries for the production of Pukao, which crowned some mōai.
Discover the history and utility of Puna Pau during your visit.

Discover Rapa Nui
This paradise in the South Pacific emerged approximately 3 million years ago, as a result of underwater eruptions that gave life to the imposing Ma'uŋa Terevaka, the volcanic epicenter of the island. The remnants of these ancient lava feasts are reflected in craters, hills, and rock formations.
The iconic moai statues, sculpted from volcanic tuff, are the stars of this archaeological masterpiece. Their presence, a testament to the skill of the ancient inhabitants, adds an intriguing touch to the Polynesian culture of the island.
Delve into the fascinating archaeology of Rapa Nui, where each stone tells an ancestral story. From the volcanic tuff of the moai to the obsidian and basalt used by the ancient inhabitants, every material is a testament to the artistic skill and cultural richness that defines this unique island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Get ready for an adventure where nature, history, and culture intertwine in an unforgettable journey!

Tāhai Ceremonial Center
Located north of Haŋa Roa, Tāhai is a fascinating ceremonial co...
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